My API is placed in this context /api/* and I want to exclude, for instance, /api/login and /api/logout. The issue is that the filter executes correctly for every single URI, but I want to be able to exclude some endpoints from the same set. The Spring Security configuration class Securit圜onfig extends WebSecurit圜onfigurerAdapter void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception So far, this is what I have implemented: // I need to secure it and I'm using a token-based approach ― specifically JWT. To create a custom group: In the Object Explorer, click New > More > Custom Application/Site > Application/Site Group. Web services providing real-time entertainment over the Internet, such as forums, games, streaming services, chat, etc.I have a Spring Boot application that is only exposing a REST API. You will create a custom group that includes Application and URL Filtering Database categories as well as the previously defined custom site named FreeMovies. General information websites relating people’s livelihood containing content related to business, education, news, travel, lifestyle etc.

Websites pertaining to illegal drugs, or promoting potentially illegal or immoral activity.

I'm wondering if it's possible to pass similar filters to the URL so that the data of the resulted twbx is restricted by the filter specified in the URL. The URL used for the argument of the get command is similar to that you've used to embed the image. Websites that might spread malware, spyware, or phishing attacks.Īny material not suitable for children, including sexual content and gambling sites. I'm using tabcmd to export a workbook as twbx from the server to a shared drive. HTTPS Domain Filtering checks every user visiting the specific Web domain and blocks connections determined as inappropriate or questionable via the category service, and it is capable of filtering out malware hidden in the encrypted connection as well. Besides turning on SSL Inspection which execute full, per packet examine, an new and easy to set-up solution, HTTPS Domain Filter, is introduced.

In addition to providing comprehensive and thorough check on connections with encrypted HTTPs transfer, Zyxel provides two approaches to have visibility over encrypted traffics. The Industry’s Best URL Database for Content Categorization & DNS Filtering zvelo is the leading provider of URL and IP categorization, with nearly 500 categories in over 200 languages, including topic-based, objectionable and malicious, making it ideal for integration with web filtering, brand safety, subscriber analytics, and other use cases. Nowadays, almost half all all Internet traffic today is encrypted, which leading to increased vulnerability, risks and even damages to businesses. Lightspeed Systems has a set of consistent categorization guidelines that are applied to the 60 million websites in our database. Our database categorizes sites based on content. On the contrary, the encrypted HTTPS protocol also creates a blind spot that attackers can exploit to evade security controls. Here are five interesting things to know about our URL database and Web Filter. Communications delivered with the HTTPs protocol are exceptionally safe as no one is able to see and filter the transaction data.